Available Formats:
CD, Digital, Stream
Exactly ten years later, in celebration of our 10th anniversary milestone, we’re happy to release another two-disc set by RPQ titled Harvesters, the 39th hard copy release in the Aerophonic catalog!!
This new album was recorded in March of this year, as The Rempis Percussion Quartet made their debut in France after 15 years of touring almost everywhere else across Europe. At the generous invitation of programmer Antoine de la Ronciere at Le Petit Faucheux in Tours, the band was the test pilot for a collaborative project amongst five venerable venues for improvised music in France. In a tightly packed week-long schedule, the band performed in Tours, Poitiers, Brest, Nantes, and Lyon, while also doing a day of workshops and recording. Not surprisingly they set the room on fire that first night in Tours, energized both by their French debut, as well as by their first meeting in four years due to the pandemic! Barnburner is the only word for those two sets from Le Petit Faucheux. (Translated from French, Petit Faucheux means “little daddy long legs.” The title of this album, Harvesters, is another English word for this close relative of the spider.)
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